Mindfulness for activists

By: deeez mindfulness

Thursday 22 August – 11:00 am

Many activists at some point become action-weary or develop burn-out symptoms. The question is, how can you as an activist not become exhausted and maintain contact with yourself, others and the earth? Through practical exercises you will receive a number of tools on how to take good care of yourself and therefore also of your fellow activists and the earth.

The concerns and anger surrounding government policy on the climate, refugees and rising extreme right are great and have an impact on our daily lives. Sometimes we no longer know how to deal with this or we become tired of the fight for a beautiful and fair earth, a clean environment and open borders for everyone.

Many activists at some point become action-weary or develop burn-out symptoms. The question is how can you as an activist not become exhausted and maintain contact with yourself, others and the earth. Through practical exercises you will receive a number of tools on how to take good care of yourself and also of the earth. There are also breathing exercises that you can use during actions when the stress becomes too great. The exercises are based on mindfulness techniques and personal experience.

Mindfulness is used by capitalism to get sick employees back to work quickly. In addition, many mindfulness trainers are anti-vaxxers and mindfulness has been put in a bad light because of this. Mindfulness is basically a way of being aware of yourself, the people and other animals around you, society and the earth.
