Strategizing against the migration plans of the new government

By: migration lawyer and Stroomversnellers

Thursday 22 August – 2:00 pm

Just before the summer the new, far right, Dutch government published its coalition agreement. New measures to make border and migration policies stricter and repressive, take away rights of people on the move and increase detention and deportations are a central focus of this agreement.
In the first part of this workshop a migration lawyer will sum up and analyze the plans of the new government, also looking at the context of, and possible collisions, obligations under international law and agreements, and at the consequences and possible options for people on the move.

The second part of the workshop is provided by Stroomversnellers, a non-profit trainers and advice organisation that helps actiongroups, NGO’s and trade unions to grow stronger and change the world.

A single action will rarely change the world. Nor will a strong opinion or good research. But how do you switch form a single adhoc action to a campaign. And how do you bridge the gap between ‘being right’ to changing the world.

Movements have always won struggles that looked impossible to win based on good strategy. From the end of slavery and the 8 hour workday, through to LGBTQIA+ rights and AIDS care.

How do design a ‘plan to win’? A campaign strategy that will maximize your chance to see the impact your campaign aims for? Using the current migration policy as an example we are going to practice different strategy design tools that you can use to design a campaign on migrant issues, activate more people to join the struggle and build the strength needed to change public opinion.
