Universities and the border industrial complex

By: Stop Wapenhandel, Solid Sustainability Research and European Legal Support Center

Friday 23 August – 2:00 pm

The ties between universities and Israeli partners has been a focal campaigning issue for the movement against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, in the Netherlands as well as in many other countries. With encampments, occupations and other actions student and staff activists demand that their universities break these ties to end their complicity. Similarly, there have been many actions against the ties between universities and the fossil fuel industry. While university boards haven’t met the demands to break all ties, policies have been shifting.
Many universities are also involved in the border industrial complex, cooperating with migration authorities and military and security companies on a broad range of issues, from developing new surveillance technologies to tools to predict (and stop) migration in the future.

Stop Wapenhandel, ELSC and Solid Sustainibility Research earlier this year launched the website academiccomplicity.nl, listing the ties between Dutch universities and Israeli entities. They will talk about how to research the relationships between universities and external partners. Followed by an open discussion on how to effectively use this info for campaigns and actions, and what we can learn from experiences from the struggles against ties with Israel and with the fossil fuel industry.
