Programme – No Border Camp 2024

De volgende informatie vind je ook in het programmaboekje, verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands en Engels. Haal je exemplaar op in de infotent en lees het met aandacht door; het geeft veel algemene informatie over wat je van het kamp kunt verwachten en wat het kamp van jou verwacht.

The following information can also be found in the programme booklet, available in Dutch and in English. Pick up your copy in the info tent en read it carefully; it gives a lot of further general information about what you can expect from the Camp and what the Camp expects from you.


The first day

The camp starts on Tuesday 20 August. Volunteers build up the large tents and facilities. Arriving participants can select a spot in the camping area of the terrain. Because the kitchen also needs to be set up, no lunch will be provided to arriving participants, so either have lunch before you come or bring your own lunchbox. Later in the day everyone should gather in the circus tent for the first general assembly of the Camp. As on all days (except for the last day, Sunday 25 August) dinner will be served at 19:00 and the cultural programme starts at 20:30.

Other days

All other days, Wednesday to Sunday, start with breakfast at 8:00 and a general assembly at 10:00. The rest of the mornings and the afternoons are used for workshops, actions and discussion; see the workshop programme below.

Saturday afternoon we’ll have a large demonstration followed by a manifestation in the city centre. Food will be served there, but for the cultural programme we go back to the Camp site.

The last day

On the last day, Sunday, the general assembly will include an evaluation session: what was good and what could have been better? By learning from past experience what works and what does not, the organizers of later No Border Camps can raise the effectiveness for everyone. Afterwards, the Camp is broken up. There will be a lot of opportunity for volunteer effort, such as making sure nothing is left behind on the terrain – neither something of value, nor garbage.

Workshop programme

Wednesday 21 AugustThursday 22 August
11:00Border industrial complex in Utrecht
Aid distribution in street settingsOpen action meeting NEDS arms fairMindfulness in activism
14:0020 years of Frontex are 20 years too many – Abolish FrontexBeing trans in all the wrong placesStrategizing against the migration plans of the new governmentThe externalisation of EU bordersOpen Assembly NOBORDERint
16:00Solidarity demo at Kamp ZeistSupport for political prisoners in Palestine and all over the worldHelpfordunkirk
17:00Housing Advice Hour at No Border CampMapping connections of the military and border industrial complex and beyondMobi-talk Geef Tegengas

Friday 23 August

Saturday 24 August
11:00Open meeting space
Chanting in groups
12:00End demonstration and manifestation
14:00Universities and the border industrial complexWheelchair use in activism
15:30Border & Policing tech in Europe – digital migration control infrastructure and organising¡No pasarán! – organise ourselves to protect our communitiesCivil Search and Rescue in the central Mediterranean and the challenges posed by current political developments
17:00Stop deportationsAbortion solidarity network

Cultural programme


21.30h – Rattenburcht


21:ooh – Documentary ‘Those roads of Fatsa’


20:30h – Workshop ‘The whole world is our fatherland: a history of migration, music and radical change’

22:00h – Jen Jen


At the end demonstration: Your Local Pirates

20:30h – Morbid Mosh Attack

22:ooh – Designer Violence

23:00h – DJ Dis-Grace
